Allen County Commissioners 1_24_20

Show Details

1/24/2020 12:04:21 PM


Call to Order 00:00:32

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 00:00:41

NCAA Women's Division I Midwest Region trophy 00:01:09

Visit from the NCAA Women's Division I Midwest Region trophy

Approval of minutes of the January 17, 2020 00:05:41

Rezoning Petition REZ-2019-0074 00:06:11

Rezoning Petition REZ-2019-0074 to rezone property from A1/Agricultural to R3/Multiple Family Residential for a 26-unit development.

Warranty Deeds for Kress Rd 00:19:42

Warranty Deeds for Kress Rd - East of Lower Huntington Rd., Project # 1300118 a. Parcel 1 - Schumacher b. Parcel 3- Stalling

Warranty Deed for Griffin Rd Culvert # 5225 00:20:35

Warranty Deed for Griffin Rd Culvert # 5225 over Natural Drain, Project # 1800218 a. Parcel 2 - Miller

Agreement for engineering services 00:21:13

Agreement for engineering services between the Board of Commissioners and Lochmueller Group for study of county-owned land along East Paulding Road.

Amendment to Allen County Code Title 1 00:23:32

Amendment to Allen County Code Title 1 (General Provisions) - Article 28 (Home Address Restrictions for Covered Persons)

Amendment to Allen County Code Title 12 00:26:22

Amendment to Allen County Code Title 12 (Financial) - Article 227 (Stellar Regional Rural Development Grant Fund)

Appointments to various boards and commissions 00:27:53

Consider approval of settlement agreement 00:28:08

Consider approval of settlement agreement in the case of Marco Garcia, et al. v David Gladieux

Consider approval of settlement agreement 00:28:53

Consider approval of settlement agreement in the case of Martz v. Allen County Sheriff

Consideration of Claims Submitted for Payment 00:29:34

Submitted claims for the period of January 14 to 21, 2020 in the amount of $7,913,989.09

Other Business: 00:29:54

Approval to waive the 2nd Reading 00:29:58

Approval to waive the 2nd Reading on any matter approved today and for which it may be deemed necessary for today's Legislative Session.

Comments from the Public 00:30:14

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